
Ancient India is where yoga, a physical, mental and spiritual practice, first appeared. It consists of a variety of techniques and practice that offer peace of mind in many areas of life.

The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj”, which means to join or merge. It stands for an amalgamation of the mind, body, and soul.

Yoga offers a path to renewal, mindfulness and holistic well-being through a profound synthesis of physical postures, breath control and meditation. This blog takes you on a transformational journey towards physical and spiritual harmony by revealing the fundamental components that make up the universe of yoga.


Types of Yoga

1.Hatha Yoga:

This is the basic form of yoga which focuses on asanas (body postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises). It often serves as a light introduction to yoga and provides a firm foundation for other types.


2.Vinyasa Yoga: 

This form of yoga emphasizes on timing breathing with smooth motion and movement. This is commonly referred to as “flow yoga” and can be quite challenging.


 3. Ashtanga Yoga:

A strict and structured form that follows a predetermined sequence of asanas. It is physically activity and requires consistency and discipline.


4.Iyengar Yoga

Emphasizes precise asana alignment and the use of body-supportive equipment such as blocks, straps, and bolsters. It is perfect for people who want to improve posture and stability.


5.Bikram yoga

A prescribed sequence of 26 asanas performed in a heated environment . The heat is believed to promote flexibility and cleanliness.

6.Kundalini Yoga:

A more thoughtful and spiritual style of yoga intended to awaken the body’s hidden spiritual force. It combines breathing techniques, meditation, and chanting with physical positions.


7.Yin Yoga:

A slow-paced form of yoga that focuses on the connective tissues and improves flexibility by holding poses for longer periods of time (usually 3-5 minutes). It’s a great addition to yoga poses that are more intense.

 8.Restorative Yoga:

Emphasis is placed on rejuvenation and relaxation. To encourage deep relaxation, the posture is often supported by props and held for long periods of time.

Yoga has a Numerous benefits  demonstrated, such as greater strength, flexibility, less stress, sharper mental focus, and general well-being.
It is important to remember that while many people practice yoga only for its physical benefits, for many others, yoga’s philosophical and spiritual roots are fundamental to both its origin and use. Yoga offers a comprehensive approach to wellness, whether you are looking for physical fitness, mental clarity and  spiritual growth.
“If you’re new to yoga, always practice within your abilities and seek advice from a trained professional”.


Brain Health