Climate Change

Human health is significantly affected by climate change, which has effect on both physical and mental health. These effects can exacerbate existing health problems and are often associated.

The following are some of the main ways climate change impacts human health:

1. Extreme weather events:

More frequent and intense heat waves, storms, floods and storms due to climate change can cause injuries, deaths and population displacement. Especially in vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children and people with underlying medical disorders, heatwaves can result in heat-related illnesses, heatstroke, and even death.


2. Air quality: Ground level ozone and particulate matter, which are bad for respiratory health, may be due to climate change, which may affect air quality. Asthma and other respiratory diseases can get worse as a result of these contaminants.


3. Vector-borne diseases:

Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns can affect the distribution and frequency of disease-carrying vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks. This can result in the spread of malaria, dengue and other diseases.



4. Waterborne diseases: Increased flooding and heavy rains can contaminate water supplies, leading to the spread of cholera and other gastrointestinal diseases.



5. Food and nutrition: Climate change may disrupt agricultural production, which will affect the availability and quality of food. This can result of malnutrition and related health problems, especially in areas already at risk of food shortages


6. Mental health: Experience of extreme weather event relocation and homelessness and recovery from them can result in psychological stress which can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.




7. Disruption to infrastructure systems: Climate-related disasters can damage healthcare infrastructure, disrupt healthcare services and put pressure on healthcare systems that are already under pressure to deliver treatment.
Making health care systems more resilient, adopting public health measures to prevent and manage disease outbreaks, promoting clean energy sources to reduce air pollution, and promoting international cooperation to address the great challenge of climate change There are some ways to reduce the effects of climate change. on human health.Wellness


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