
The overall condition encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and social well-being of an individual is termed as wellness. It involves actively working for optimal health and a better quality of life. A dynamic and interrelated balance between the many parts of one’s life is often seen as a key to well-being. Here are some key areas to consider for maintaining wellness for better health.


1. Physical health:

This includes taking care of your body through regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate rest, and visiting a doctor on a regular basis.


2. Mental and emotional well-being

Prioritize your mental health by learning stress management techniques, developing mindfulness, participating in activities you enjoy, seeking professional help when necessary, and maintaining healthy relationships.


3. Social Wellbeing:

Develop strong interpersonal relationships and participate in constructive social interactions. A strong social support network can greatly add to your general well-being.



 4. Intellectual Well-being:

Keep expanding your intellect by reading new things. Participate or involve  in intellectually challenging activities, such as reading, solving puzzles, and learning new skills to help increase your IQ.




5. Spiritual well-being:

This has less to do with religion and more to do with the search for meaning and purpose in life. Practices should be used that are in line with your values and beliefs.


6. Financial Wellbeing:

Maintain stability and reduce stress by managing your money wisely. Financial wellness involves making sensible financial decisions regarding spending, saving and investing.


7.  Cultural and Social Wellbeing:

Learn about different cultures and perspectives and embrace diversity. Respecting people’s backgrounds and participating in their community both improve overall well-being.



Wellness involves actively working  for optimal health and a better quality of life. A dynamic and interrelated balance between the many parts of one’s life is often seen as a key to well-being.

Lifestyle And Diseases